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Traditions form the core of the Xavier identity and are unique to us.
Xavier’s excellent leadership is what makes us an unparalleled institution.
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Student Life
Daily Gator bell schedule.
90+ clubs and activities.
Xavier offers a wide range of Honor Societies.
Experience once in a lifetime opportunities at Xavier.
Passion for the arts! Find upcoming show information here.
Programs designed to excite, engage and empower girls!
- Spirituality
Students give 30,000+ service hours to 100+ non-profits.
From prayer days to bible studies, Xavier focuses on Faith.
A way of life at Xavier College Preparatory.
Each year Xavier makes a special pilgrimage to Lourdes available to students, parents, alumnae and faculty during Easter vacation.
Kairos enables juniors and seniors time to strengthen their relationship with Christ.
“Almighty & everliving God, we entrust our loved ones into your hands.”
- Athletics
Xavier Gators have won more state titles than any other high school.
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Experienced faculty and coaches empower young women to compete in a culture of excellence.
Expand knowledge both in the athletic training room and in the classroom.
For girls 5th through 9th grades; Find an athletic summer camp of your choice.
An average of 25 Gators sign Letters of Intent to a major university each year.
- Alumnae
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- Giving
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Xavier President's Circle exists to recognize a distinguished group of parents, alumnae, past parents, grandparents, friends, and community partners.
Your giving makes a difference. See a list of our generous donors.
Sports Medicine
- Athletics
- Sports Medicine
Prevention Of Athletic Injuries / Illness
When an injury is prevented, it saves everyone lost time and anguish. Besides the standard taping, wrapping, and stretching -- which many associate with the job of an athletic trainer -- we can provide so much more!
Please refer athletes early if there is or was a history of injury concerns. A risk assessment and functional movement screening can be performed, and a corrective or preventative program can be established immediately.

Laurie White, MS, AT
Head Athletic Trainer

Evaluation And Diagnosis Of Injuries
This includes the assessment of the type and severity of injuries along with the conditions and related illnesses that may affect athletes. After the extent of the injury is determined, a treatment plan can be initiated and accomplished right here on campus.
Also, proper referral can be made to the team orthopedist or other necessary medical professionals and providers when indicated. This includes referrals for illness and associated counseling.
Immediate Care Of Injuries
A staff athletic trainer is present at all home athletic contests and practices in order to ensure the proper implementation of any acute injury or emergency situation.
Appropriate management strategies that follow a pre-established emergency action plan are initiated right away by trained, certified, licensed healthcare providers: the staff of Athletic Trainers.

Treatment And Rehabilitation Of Injuries
A main role of the Athletic Training staff is to assist the athlete in her return to sport participation following an injury as quickly and SAFELY as possible. This is accomplished with treatment protocols for exercise and the use of therapeutic modalities such as ultrasound, electric muscle stimulation, heat and cold, and manual therapy.
The Xavier Athletic Training facilities are well-equipped with state-of-the-art equipment and managed by a knowledgable, experienced staff.
Education In Athletic Injuries
Many injuries and conditions are complicated, and therefore, not always fully understood. Consequently, it is important to educate coaches, parents, and athletes so that the best possible care can be provided at home, on the practice field, on the court, at the pool, and in school.
Athletic Training Student Assistants, Sports Medicine students, and student athletes can expand their knowledge both in the athletic training room and in the classroom.

Sports Medicine Resources
Athletic Trainers
Athletic Trainer
Athletic Trainer
Athletic Trainer / Physical Education Teacher
Sports Medicine
SPT 271 for Rio Salado | WED 154 for Rio Salado
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