PREREQUISITE: Introduction to Art or Beginning Drawing/Painting
In this course, students will apply the skills and concepts learned in Beginning Drawing/Painting to the medium of oil painting.
Students will be introduced to the foundations of oil painting materials and techniques, including traditional and contemporary
methods. Emphasis will be placed on painting from still-life and photographic references. Art history and art vocabulary are
integrated throughout the course.
PREREQUISITE: Introduction to Art or Beginning Drawing/Painting
This course relies on the student’s acquired media skill from Beginning Drawing/Painting to begin to develop strong composition
concepts. The media used should cover, but is not limited to: pencil, charcoal, ink, color pencil, watercolor, pastel (oil/chalk), and
acrylic. Students will complete required and relevant research, and participate in group critiques. Rio Salado College credit is
available when possible and if scheduling permits.
Open to Sophomores, Juniors, or Seniors
This course functions at a beginning level with students learning the fundamental techniques of drawing and painting. Materials used
include drawing media such as pencil and charcoal, and painting media such as watercolor and acrylic paints. Art History and art
vocabulary are integrated throughout the course. Emphasis is on learning observational drawing skills, and assignments range from
short exercises to longer projects.
Open to Xavier Freshwomen
This course is an introduction to the fundamental elements and principles of two-dimensional design. Materials used include drawing
media such as pencil and charcoal, painting media such as watercolor and acrylic paints, and a variety of other media. Students will
learn about the materials they use, and will learn relevant art terms. Assignments will be short exercises or longer projects, and will be
based on observational drawing, be inspired by examples from Art History, or evolve out of the student’s imagination
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