Class Notes

Class Notes Update

Historically, Xavier’s Class Notes has been featured in our Connections magazine. In a conscious effort to go green and maintain Xavier’s STEAM goals, Class Notes is now available online. Similarly, in order to maintain continuity as well as keep our community informed the featured notes will be updated twice a year (January and July). As the feature note is updated the prior will be archived as a viewable PDF available at all times. Class Notes featured prior to May 2017 are available through our Office of Alumnae Relations and are physically archived on campus in the Xavier Archive.

Help us keep our featured lists updated and accurate by updating your information and by contacting Polly Bayless Fitz-Gerald ’68 our Director of Alumnae Relations.

Polly Bayless Fitz-Gerald ’68

Alumnae Relations  -  602.240.3131

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Campus News

So wonderful to see alumnae back with their Baby Gators at Freshwomen Registration!

Campus News

Xavier Softball won the 6A Conference State Championship!

Campus News

The Alumnae Board sponsored a panel on LeadHERship: Women in Business as part of the Women of Xavier program. Our panelists, Windsor Smith ’12, Chelsea Keller Kunde ’03, Jackie Vollmer Orcutt ’01 and Sarah Jennings ’01 were terrific and gave valuable information about navigating as a woman in the business environment.


The Mothers’ Guld leadership hard at work in the 1960’s!

Campus News

The Annual Xavier Alumnae Pickleball Game!

Campus News

Traditions Day – Celebrating 80 years!

Campus News

Xavier Soccer won the 6A Conference Girls Soccer State Championships!


Eighth Grade students ready to take the Xavier entrance test!

Campus News

Xavier Basketball won the Open Division Basketball State Championship for the first time in school history!


Baby Gators at the Dads’ Club Barbeque – Class of 2028!


Riley Ward is throwing the javelin for Marquette University. She ranked 4th going in to the Big East Championships.


Xavier is proud to have three U. S. Presidential Scholars!

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