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Xavier’s excellent leadership is what makes us an unparalleled institution.
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Student Life
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90+ clubs and activities.
Xavier offers a wide range of Honor Societies.
Experience once in a lifetime opportunities at Xavier.
Passion for the arts! Find upcoming show information here.
Programs designed to excite, engage and empower girls!
- Spirituality
Students give 30,000+ service hours to 100+ non-profits.
From prayer days to bible studies, Xavier focuses on Faith.
A way of life at Xavier College Preparatory.
Each year Xavier makes a special pilgrimage to Lourdes available to students, parents, alumnae and faculty during Easter vacation.
Kairos enables juniors and seniors time to strengthen their relationship with Christ.
“Almighty & everliving God, we entrust our loved ones into your hands.”
- Athletics
Xavier Gators have won more state titles than any other high school.
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Experienced faculty and coaches empower young women to compete in a culture of excellence.
Expand knowledge both in the athletic training room and in the classroom.
For girls 5th through 9th grades; Find an athletic summer camp of your choice.
An average of 25 Gators sign Letters of Intent to a major university each year.
- Alumnae
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- Giving
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Xavier President's Circle exists to recognize a distinguished group of parents, alumnae, past parents, grandparents, friends, and community partners.
Your giving makes a difference. See a list of our generous donors.
Xavier fosters a commitment to service, leadership, and excellence in character. Educating the whole person -- spiritually, intellectually, artistically, and physically -- is our goal.
- Why Xavier
- Leadership
Sr. Joan Fitzgerald, BVM
Sister Joan Fitzgerald, BVM, Xavier Principal from 1974 through June 2016 and now Xavier's first President. Sister Joan received a Bachelor of Arts from Mundelein College in Chicago, Illinois and a Master of Arts from Arizona State University.
Sister Joan has received many accolades: named Phoenix Business Journal’s Most Admired Leaders for 2020, received the Elizabeth Ann Seton Award for Leadership to Diocesan Schools, the Ministry Award from the Diocese of Phoenix, and the National Catholic Education Association’s Secondary Education Award. In 2020 Xavier was a finalist in the Greater Phoenix Chamber of Commerce 33rd Annual Impact Award.

Mrs. Brittany Ecker
Interim Principal
Brittany M. Ecker was born and raised in the Northwest Suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. From a young age, she aspired to be a teacher. After graduating from Marian Central Catholic High School, she attended Saint Mary's University of Minnesota, earning a dual degree in Theology and Pastoral and Youth Ministry. She then pursued a Master's degree in Theology with an emphasis in Hebrew Scriptures from Aquinas Institute of Theology in Saint Louis, where she began her teaching career at an all-girls Catholic high school.
Throughout her career, Ms. Ecker has taught Theology, worked as an Admissions Counselor, coached, and served in administrative roles. She also gained experience in hospitality, holding upper management positions in golf and country clubs in Minnesota and Arizona. Recently, she earned her MEd in Educational Leadership from the American College of Education and is currently pursuing her Doctorate in Educational Leadership, with plans to graduate in December 2025.
Ms. Ecker's current doctoral research focuses on the USCCB's Doctrinal Elements of a Curriculum Framework for the Development of Catechetical Materials for Young People of High School Age. She aims to revitalize Catholic educational materials for high school students in Arizona and beyond.

Sister Lynn Winsor, BVM, CMAA
Vice-Principal for Activities and Athletic Director
Sister Lynn Winsor, BVM, CMAA, a Xavier alumna, earned a Bachelor of Arts from Arizona State University and a Master of Arts from the University of Iowa. In 1974, Sister Lynn returned to Xavier to teach and chair the Physical Education Department. In 1977, Sister Lynn was appointed Vice-Principal for Activities and Athletic Director.
Sister Lynn received the: National High School Athletic Director of the Year, and the Phoenix Women’s Sports Association Advocacy Award. She was named the National Federation Coaches Association Golf Coach of the Year twice, the AIA Girls’ High School Golf Coach of the Century and received the National Interscholastic Athletic Administrations Associations highest honor, the NIAAA Award of Merit. In 2018 Sister Lynn was awarded with the AIA Lifetime Achievement Award. She was also named, AIA Golf Coach of decade.
- Erin Alaimo’84
- Julie Alpert
- Katie Caris
- Maria Chavira
- Tamera Christifulli
- Martha Chung
- Catherine Clancy ’05
- Peter Davis
- Julie Duncan
- Brittany Ecker
- Polly Fitz-Gerald ’68
- Shauna Gliss
- Alexandra Gutierrez
- Eden Higgins ’83
- Lana Holmes
- Sarah Jennings ’01
- Nicole Karren ’89
- Jennifer James
- Jennifer Lum Lung
- James Marando
- Claudia McClelland
- Paula Petrowski
- Sarah Pickett Wilson ’05
- Teri Schumacher
- Eric Silvernail
- Fr. Zambakari
- Omar Alvarez
- Eric Battis
- Dennis Bonilla
- Catherine Clancy '05
- Claude Durette
- Sister Joan Fitzgerald, BVM
- Mike Garlick
- Shauna Gliss
- Jeronimo Gomez Del Campo
- Marcia Harris Scott
- Geoff Jacobs
- Brett Johnson
- Steve Moster
- Rich Murphy - President
- John Ragan
- Sister Lynn Winsor, BVM
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