Xavier Track & Field took 7th place out of 23 teams at the Ron Smith Invitational on Saturday, April 1. Below are the highlights:
School Record
Maya Ofori, who started out the 2023 season outside of the Xavier All-Time Top Ten in the 100m, just broke the school record by a tenth of a second. Saturday was Maya’s 3rd PR of the season in the 100m, and this one made her the fastest sprinter in Xavier Track & Field history. Twitter Announcement
All-Time Xavier Top Ten Mark
Mackenzie Lopez moved up to 5th place in the All-Time Xavier Top Ten in the 300 Intermediate Hurdles with a 1.25 sec PR: 45.91. Twitter Announcement
The 300 Intermediate Hurdle Battle
A major 300H battle has been waging since the beginning of the 2023 season. Mackenzie, Lucy Benjamin, and Kaira Burrage have each been putting up Top Ten marks throughout the season. Each one has had a better mark than the other two at some point in the season. Here’s where it stands for the moment: Twitter Announcement
— 5th – 45.91 – Mackenzie Lopez
— 6th – 46.42 – Lucy Benjamin Twitter Announcement
— 7th – 46.88 – Kaira Burrage
Xavier Girls Finishing in the Top 3 in Their Event
- Maya Ofori – 100m: 2nd
- Mia Stoller – 800m: 3rd
- Mackenzie Lopez – 300h: 3rd
- 4×800 Relay: 3rd (Ella Wadworth, Lily Beaver, Blakely Anderson, Nora Hinkle)
Personal Records

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