
Catholic Identity is at the Heart of Xavier. 
"Be it known to all who enter here that Christ is the reason for this school. He is the unseen but ever present teacher in its classes. He is the model of its faculty and the inspiration of its students."


The Eucharist is the source and summit of Christian life from which we draw strength and move toward our perfection in Christ. Following Christ’s command “Do this in memory of me,” each month as a Xavier community we have an all-school Mass. We gather in the gym with our beautiful mural and take time as an entire community to encounter the living God in the paschal mystery-his death and resurrection. We welcome parent participation in our celebrations. Additionally on Monday, Wednesday and Friday the Holy Mass is offered in the Chapel of Our Lady. This is highly encouraged and opened to all students, faculty, staff, and families.



The Mercy of the Lord abounds! And what an amazing grace to be able to drink deep from his fountains of mercy. Twice a year, to help prepare ourselves for Christmas and Easter respectively, as whole community in our school-wide Penance Service, where we gather to recognize where we have failed in following the Lord’s will for us and renew our commitment to being instruments of his love. Additionally, we have confessions available on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday before school from 7:30 AM until 7:50 AM in the Chapel of Our Lady. 


Adoration Days

Once a month we have a day-long exposition of the Blessed Sacrament. Also, students attend Adoration as part of their Theology class or during break or lunch.

Adoration provides the Xavier community with an opportunity to step away from the classroom to seek a spiritual rest. Our goal is to guide our students, faculty, and staff even closer to the Lord.

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